Friday, June 4, 2010

this week

this week i started my art class; it's at 8am, which means i have to get up at the ungodly hour of 6am Monday-Friday. I have a feeling i might become a coffee lover this month because of this class. I was extremely nervous about the class; i don't know why; i'm not usually someone who gets nervous about classes. I guess i thought i would be awful at it. But as it turns out, i'm not awful at it. My teacher(who is awesome btw) is constantly telling me that my art is awesome and that i'm so creative(he also tells all the other students that, but i still like to think that i'm awesome at it). I love my class! I'm the only one who is not an art major/minor and i can't help but wonder, why am i not an art minor? My minor is political science and i hate most of those classes; they can be super boring. Politics = boring most of the time (i'm sure you already knew that and are probably wondering why i am just now realizing this). Art= awesomeness and being creative. My parents think that art should just be a hobby and not something i should go to school for, but my mom also thinks that i'm never going to find a job with a history degree and when i graduate from school i'm going to realize she was right and go back to school to be a nurse. Luckily my dad is cool with me being a history major. Anyways i guess i'm just to take lots of art class as electives my senior year since it is too late to change my minor. I guess the main point of this post is just to let you know that i love my art class and instead it turned into a slight rant. On a happier note, i now have 4 iTunes gift cards, which means tons of new/awesome music so if you have any suggestions of music that i should look up, let me know!


  1. I DO!!!! I DOOO!!!! previously mentioned.. both regina spektor albums.. but especially the newest one!!! Also I think you would like anchor & braile.. red hill city.. brightwood.. cary brothers.. edison glass.. envy on the coast.. far-less.. house of heroes.. joy williams.. lost ocean.. meg & dia.. missy higgins.. ocean is theory.. sondre lerche... brighten.. mutemath.. tofer brown.. trent dabbs.. andy davis.. tyrone wells.. youmeatsix..

    I realize this is a seemingly endless list.. and I could still go on for days.. anyways.. you have plenty of options now hahahaha

  2. Found you! And I've saved it so that I can see updates! I'm glad that you are so interested in the will keep you a "little" younger ;) As for looks like Rick has you covered :D But don't forget Shane and Shane!

  3. Hiya Roomie! just wanted to put a comment on here since I haven't before.
    yay art class, yay me coming to visit monday, yay art camp!
    oh. And I miss the vampire diaries mucho mucho mucho. however lame that sounds.
    the end.
